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Economic Empowerment

The Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) Morogoro is a non-profit organization that works to protect and promote the rights and dignity of people with albinism (PWAs) in Tanzania. One of TAS Morogoro's key focus areas is economic empowerment.
The organization recognizes that PWAs often face significant barriers to economic participation, including discrimination, lack of access to education and employment opportunities, and social stigma.
TAS Morogoro offers a variety of programs and services to help PWAs achieve economic empowerment.
These programs include:
Vocational training:
TAS Morogoro advocate PWAs to access vocational training in a variety of skills, such as tailoring, carpentry, and computer skills.
This training helps PWAs to develop the skills they need to start their own businesses or to find employment in the formal sector.
TAS Morogoro advocate for microfinance support to PWAs to help them start or grow their own businesses. These financial supports/ free interest loans are typically small in size and have flexible repayment terms, making them accessible to PWAs who may have difficulty accessing traditional banking services.
Business development support:
TAS Morogoro provides PWAs with business development support services, such as mentorship, market research, and business planning assistance. These services help PWAs to develop and implement successful business plans.
Job placement assistance:
TAS Morogoro helps PWAs to find employment by working with employers to raise awareness of the unique challenges faced by PWAs and by providing PWAs with job search assistance and interview preparation training, internship and voluntering. In addition to these programs, TAS Morogoro also works to advocate for policies and practices that promote the economic empowerment of PWAs.
For example, TAS Morogoro has worked to promote the inclusion of PWAs in government programs and to raise awareness of the rights of PWAs in the workplace by establishing the Charter of Demands.
TAS Morogoro's economic empowerment programs have helped many PWAs and other people with disabilities to achieve their full potential. By providing PWAs with the skills, resources, and support they need to start and grow their own businesses or to find employment in the formal sector, TAS Morogoro is helping to build a more inclusive and equitable society for all Tanzanians.
With the help of a microfinance free interest loan and grants from TAS Morogoro, Government and other stakeholders, PWAs were able to set up their own business like Tailoring sewing, chicken keeping, Online financial agencies and small shops.
Now have a successful business and are able to support themselves and their families.
2. Capacity development
TAS Morogoro is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights and dignity of people with albinism.
The organization provides a range of services to its members, including education, healthcare, and economic empowerment programmes.
In order to deliver these programmes effectively and sustainably. One of strategic objective of TAS Morogoro is Capacity Development of TAS Morogoro to Improve Performance, Effectiveness, and Sustainability to Deliver Quality Programmes.TAS Morogoro have a strong capacity in a number of areas.
Human resources.
TAS Morogoro needs to have a team of qualified and experienced staff who are committed to the organization's mission and values. The organization also has a system in place for training and development, so that staff can continue to learn and grow in their roles.
Financial management.
TAS Morogoro has a strong financial system that is effectively to deliver its programmes and services. This includes developing and implementing budgets, tracking spending, and reporting on financial performance.
TAS Morogoro has a strong governance structure. This includes a clear and transparent decision-making process, as well as a system for monitoring and evaluating the organization's performance.
In addition to these key areas, TAS Morogoro has capacity in other areas such as communications, program design, projects implementation, and advocacy.
There are a number of ways that TAS Morogoro develops its capacity. One way is to provide training and development opportunities for staff. This is doing in-house, or through external training providers.
TAS Morogoro also partner with other organizations to share resources and expertise.
Another way is to raise funds to support capacity development initiatives. TAS Morogoro is doing this by applying for grants, developing partnerships with donors, and launching fundraising campaigns and events.
By developing its capacity in key areas, TAS Morogoro improves its performance, effectiveness, and sustainability to deliver quality programmes to its members.

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